For a long time i had been hearing about the controversy revolving this Book ,the 15 minute fame that Kavya Vishvanath had and then the fall too...So 2 days back when i walked into Blossoms(a sweet book shop in Bangalore), i was surprised to find it there.. i felt the urge to read it and so i landed up with it on my bed,few hours from then.
Well the story is about this indian family,the Mehtas - Amal,Meena and Opal, their Daughter(actually i had thought opal was a guy:)).The only mission in their life - HOWGIH (How Opal will get into Harvard).Every step of Opal's life had been planned to get her there -- summer Math camps,Science bowls contest..and even welding and mosaic classes total geek types.. to have an impressive resume to fulfill this dream.
The the day of the interview came..
She had been like preparing for years for the interview and she knew all questions by heart with all the emotions premeditated.But lightning struck her. Harvard wanted to know what she did for "fun" ??
So...Mehta family's mission now was "HOWGAL" (How Opal will get a life)
The book is all about her coming out of her geekdom shell, one, which she was proud of for years and trying to learn and enjoy a life, beyond all the labs and books.The book is really engrossing and hillarious as she takes this new journey...and she sets herself three goals
1.Get Wild
2.Get Kissed by the most popluar guy in school
3.Become friends with the poular girls gang of the school.. Hautz bitchez..(HB)
Well does she achieve all this and even more?? Well the rest of the novel has to do about the "more" she achieves, which makes her rethink about where her life is heading to..
Well i loved its freshness,simplicity and the sense that i could relate myself to Opal. we all have had dreams in life. The one we would do anything to have. But in order to get them, do we sometimes cross the lines of humanity and our conscience? Yes we do ... and very often we regret it too...and in the end we think, what is more worth.. what we got or lost???
Opal's parents couldnt have been better.. the chillest people....the parents with a plan for how to make their daughter "wild" .. what more could u have asked for??
Opal.. i fell in love with this character.. smart,prime number lover and passionate.
her transformation from a geek to the hottest and most wanted 'babe' in her school just showed how determined she could be.Yet she had a soft romantic side,which made her my darling..
So what if it was an act of a few lines of plagiarism.. or rather i would say undeliberate act of copying? My suggestion.. go read it.. its worth anyday..
Am just waiting for its movie adaptation.. [:)]